Missing Teeth

People loose teeth for several reasons including trauma, accidents, and periodontal disease. Others are simply born with fewer teeth. These situations can lead to problems ranging such as food packing, bite and TMJ dysfunction and aesthetic concerns.

Cosmetic dentistry now offers options beyond having a partial denture. implants and Porcelain bridges are very popular options when some teeth are missing. Dentures and implant over dentures are an option when all teeth are missing.

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If you have missing teeth, it can affect the way the rest of your teeth bite together. Your remaining teeth may tilt and drift into the gaps and food can get trapped in the spaces. This can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

If lots of your teeth are missing, your facial muscles can become saggy, and this can affect your speech and appearance. Replacement teeth are made to match the colour of your natural teeth as closely as possible.

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